After a long closed-cover, Laura Love finally admitted the relationship with a young thing. Love the new paramour named David Richard. Love admitted to the relationship with Richard has been stranded for half a year.
"Roughly half of the year. Since I eight months, we close," said cat_prova when found in the junior Pangerasan Education Center, Cibalung village, Cijeruk, Bogor, Sunday (26/10/2008). Love to visit schools that are managed ibundanya it with Richard.
Asked about the date invented, reluctant love them. "That's privacy. I know I want to thank,"
Richard, who comes from the United States is currently aged 16 years. He was studying at the school with the same love.
"We have one class at the Jakarta International School. Initially this was special. Pas December we often chat, Facebook, ngucapin safe new year," I Love.
Cinta Laura
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